Help us to achieve healthy indoor air, because breathing means living!
nano-Control cares about healthy indoor air and, therefore, also about your health. Help us with active work, with your donation or by becoming sponsor. Donations are primarily used for actual projects, the promotion of scientific work and research according to the purpose of our foundation. We would love to give you advice if you intend to promote projects regularly or if you intend to make large financial allocations to the foundation nano-Control. Allocations to our foundation can be made as external donation or contribution. An external donation increases the capital of the foundation; from those revenues long-term projects will be financed. The international foundation nano-Control has been awarded benefit to the public by the Local Tax Office Erfurt by means of an interim certificate of 5 November 2008. In Germany, the foundation is, therefore, accepted tax-privileged and is authorized to issue donation receipts that are allowed against tax. When it is about amounts up to 100.00 EUR, the remittance slip is also valid as receipt.
Bank details:
nano-Control, Internationale Stiftung,
donation account no.
1280 387 489, BLZ 200 505 50
Hamburger Sparkasse
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
DE34 2005 0550 1280 3874 89
If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.